Adele Stratton

I.M.T. and Centre Director

Offers a diversity of treatments, suitable for all clients seeking fundamental healing. Her areas of focus include Quantum healing, vibrational medicine, and spiritual coaching.

Adele offers:

  • BioDynamic Craniosacral Therapy

  • Healing Developmental Trauma

  • Concussion

  • BioComputer Operating System (BOS)

  • Advanced Visceral Therapy

  • Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ)

  • Dysfunction Therapy

  • Spinal Trauma

  • ​Hypnosis

  • Energetic and Spiritual Healing

  • Aura and Soul Reading

Sara Wallace

Healing Practitioner, Therapeutic Arts Practitioner and Coach

Sara's practice focuses on helping women struggling with menstrual pain and other menstrual issues identify and transform the underlying cause of their discomfort so they can live fully everyday of the month.

Sara offers a holistic approach focusing on energetic and vibrational healing modalities including:

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • zero balancing and Diaphragmatic Healing Sessions

  • Vibrational Healing

  • Chakra, Colour and Crystal Healing Sessions

  • Spiritual, Life and Creative Coaching

  • Therapeutic Art Sessions

​Jennifer Walker

Intuitive Life Coach and Energy Practitioner

Offers a multitude of sessions, with a focus on energetic and vibrational healing modalities. Her life and spiritual coaching can also be offered online.

Jennifer offers:

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Advanced Integrative Energy Therapy- I.E.T. (TM)

  • Bach Flower Essences

  • Chakra and Crystal Healing Sessions

  • Zero Balancing Sessions

  • Life and Spiritual Coaching

  • Diaphragmatic Healing Sessions

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